Saturday 23 March 2013

What Work Brings Me #2

This post is going to tell you one other reason  why I love my job..

This job allows me travel to four different cities in three weeks.

1. Bali
Yes, we had some kind of training. hihi. Actually, this was an office outing but they wrapped it as a training.
I am not going to tell you about Bali, cause who doesnt know Bali?
So let share what I got from Bali!

I had tons of seafood!

2. Palembang
No longer than 2 days after my arrival in Jakarta, I was assigned to accompany my boss in Palembang. He was going to present a socialisation to our client's brach office. I did not discover many things in Palembang since the client set up the schedule. However, I had a dinner in a fancy restaurant, near the well-known bridge called Ampera.
Ampera Bridge in the night (taken by cellphone camera)
3. Cirebon
I was shocked when my boss told me that I am the one who will do the socialisation to our client's brach office. Hmm now I knew the reason he took me days ago right? hahaha. After several trainings, I was assigned to go to Cirebon. Doing my first presentation to the client. The schedule was pretty tight as we should come back to Jakarta the next morning, at 6 am fyi. Well, since I did not discover many things, all I can share is Nasi Jambal. A traditional cuisine from Cirebon.

Nasi Jambal. Similar to Nasi Kucing from Yogyakarta

4. Padang
The fourth city is Padang. It's been awhile since the last time I visited this city, about 10 years ago I think. I did the socialisation as well. Luckily, I had enough time to look around Padang. I even visited the beach and the city center, ate seafood and bought some traditional dishes.

Pantai Padang (Padang Beach)

So what is the next destination? I dont know either. :D

Date a woman who is independent

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she will be a great travel buddy for you. Discover all the new and nice places as she used to be strong enough to face any challenge in her life.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she should be a smart woman with a fine career. She knows how to gain something with her own effort. She will motivate you.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause you will be inspired by her wisdom. She could be wiser that everyone else as she often decides things by her own so she knows how to consider the good and bad things equally.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she does not be spoiled to every person. She selects the most convenient person to be relied on. Things that sometimes men are not able to understand, men are supposed to feel honored when this kind of girl shows her weakness. She is spoiled with you cause you comfort her

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she will be best at management. She will be a good mom cause she knows how to manage her career and her family.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she tends to have a capability to cook.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she does pray. She knows that every time she is going to fall, God is the only one she can rely on.

Date a woman who is independent
Cause she uses more logical perspectives that other women. She knows everything would work at its best when there are some discussions, tolerances and cooperation in it. She will be a great company to you.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

What work brings me #1

Now I will announce a new tag for my blog! Lets call it what work brings me. Yes, I'm gonna tell you things I met, discovered, saw because of my work. Why? Because working as a consultant enables you to travel a lot, learn different businesses, face various people and so on. Sometimes you will only discover things that work allows you to have.

Tomorrow I'm going to Cirebon. Woohoo that is my 3rd city in 2 weeks. Bali and Palembang were before. Then tomorrow will be my first presentation to client. I'll share it later

Good night and wish me tons of luck!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

All the best sandrina :)

Hari ini salah seorang sahabat saya ulang tahun. Katanya sih yang ke-22 padahal muka 32 hahaha.

Diawali dengan ide di senin malam saat saya, Jhendra dan Dayat masih lembur di kantor masing-masing. Kami ternyata sadar dengan hal yang sama. Ulang tahun Arin besok, kita ngapain ya?
Awalnya kita mau nekat dengan mendatangi kosan Arin tepat jam 12 malam, toh mumpung lembur. Tapi saya mempertimbangkan pulangnya, saya agak takut juga kalau harus nyetir jam satu atau dua dini hari. Apalagi kosan Arin dan rumah saya cukup jauh. Akhirnya kita sepakat untuk datang ke ke kos Arin besok, dengan tambahan satu personil lagi, Dwi.

Sekitar jam 3 kita semua ketemu di depan R.S Fatmawati, berbarengan menuju kos Arin. Setelah parkir agak jauh dari kosannya, kita jalan sambil bawa kue. Tanpa banyak permisi, kita langsung menuju kamar Arin. "Tok..tok.." Arin buka pintu daaan "Happy birthdayyyyy!!". Kami disambut dengan muka orang lifeless yang seharian di kamar dengan mimik muka sangat cina, matanya gak ada! hehehehe.

Kalau boleh, saya mau cerita sedikit mengenai teman saya satu ini. Kita udah temenan dan sahabatan sekitar 4 tahun. Awal dari semua cerita ini adalah masa-masa ospek kampus yang menjadikan kami satu kelompok social work. Selama 4 tahun kehidupan perkuliahan di Jogja, kami semakin dekat karena selalu berada di circle yang sama, sampai barengan nebeng di tempat seorang teman. Banyak hal yang saya pelajari dari seorang Arin. Arin ini orangnya tabah, mungkin karena sudah pengalaman jomblo hahaha. Kidding, rin! Arin is a tough person. Karena dia salah satu wanita paling mandiri dan kreatif without being tense, yang pernah saya temui. Arin selalu bisa mengakali cobaan atau tantangan yang dia temui dan Arin adalah orang yang berbesar hati. Ceritanya begini, sekitar dua tahunan yang lalu, saya dan sekelompok teman memiliki cita-cita ke menginjak tanah Eropa. Waktu itu persiapan sudah sangat matang, kita saling back up. Sampai ketika dua atau tiga minggu jelang keberangkatan, Arin menjelaskan dia gak mungkin ikut karena beberapa alasan. Kalau saya jadi Arin, ada masa-masa saya segan dan malas bertemu dengan teman saya, karena mereka akan berangkat dan saya tidak. Tidak begitu dengan Arin, dengan besar hati, dia tetap membantu persiapan hingga mengantar kita dengan senyuman. 

Arin itu kritis, cerdas dan humoris. Kalau ngomongin dua hal ini, makin banyak deh ceritanya. Intinya, sosok Arin di mata saya adalah sahabat yang bisa membuat saya termotivasi untuk selalu belajar. Karena alasan itu pula, beberapa waktu lalu saya mencoba mengajak dia untuk jadi partner bisnis. Salah satu hal yang saya syukuri dari takdir Allah adalah karena Arin kerja di Jakarta!! hahaha.

Anyway, happy birthday, Arin Sandrina!

I wish you lots of happiness with the new age. New age means new life, I hope you can always make every second worth to wisely spent. Rin, future is waiting for us, lets make it brighter!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Ditelan malam

Aku ingin berteriak pada malam
Mengapa ia selalu datang terlambat
Belum habis keluhku, sudah pergi dengan tergesa-gesa
Aku bertanya pada malam
Mungkin saja dia miliki waktu yang lebih panjang
Membiarkan aku yang semangat meracau

Andai malam tinggal lebih lama
Akan kuceritakan duduk masalahnya
Dari hulu hingga hilirnya
Sampai habis amarah dan dendam

Ternyata malam selalu terasa pergi lebih cepat
Belum sempat rasanya mata tertutup rapat
Aku sudah kembali menemui siang
Kucari sedihku, ternyata sudah ditelan malam

Friday 8 March 2013


I am getting crazy to the point I only can do crying inside the blanket

What we could not expect from people

There are some moments that I want people to pay attention to my stories or complaints. They are not supposed to provide solutions. I just need them to listen, nod to my words, pretend that they care and understand, smile sometimes and perhaps a few sweet words as a bonus.

However, that people just could not be expected to.