Friday 7 June 2013


Semua wanita rela berkorban demi jadi cantik! Itu lebih dari sekedar naluri, itu hukum mutlak. Semutlak matahari yang selalu terbenam di barat atau semutlak hukumnya sah buat pengantin yang telah mengucapkan ijab kabul. Hihihi.

Boyish girls don't care with the beauty, talk to my hand. That's a bull**** sorry to say. Looks stunning is everyone's desire. Because why? You need to beauty to attract opposite sex, you need to be more beautiful to choose what you want. Beauties rule the world. I can say yes. However, beauty is not only about physical appearance though that would be the biggest part if you define beauty. You who are fat or short may be beautiful as well. While some people describe beauties are the one who have long straight hair, light skin, skinny and tall. Some people just don't. So, I had been wondering why some women is trying too hard to become that kind of beauty. That was my naive thought. Now I realize that, for the sake of beauty you need to sacrifice. The problem is how you define beauty. Nothing's wrong even when you feel beauty is being tall and pointed nose. Then, you go to have plastic surgery. I won't judge. Cause being stunning is everyone's desire, being fabulous is everyone's hope and perhaps being beautiful is the only thing you need to achieve your complete goal.

You don't have to judge someone else as they did some effort to become beautiful. I, myself, admitted that I did jogging this morning for the sake of beauty. Only coward person who judge people's effort, why? Cause they dont dare enough to admit their effort. Effort can come with many forms, so dont you dare to judge.

However, lady, world will never be fair. World never be enough to define one thing. As you are grown up, as you meet many people, you will know that that wont be an exact definition of a thing, including beauty. So, it's yours, it's your right to choose how beauty you are, what beauty would fit you, how important beauty to you. It's definitely your call.

For me, beauty is about being healthy and (having a flat stomach). Cause when I got flu, I think I look miserable or kucel hehe. Beauty is about being smart and well-dressed. Beauty is about obeying the rule. The most beautiful person dont do queuing will look too ugly for me. And beauty is about accepting people the way they are. Accepting is hard, so lady with a wide heart and lots of smiles for different people is the most beautiful

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